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03-04-10 Special Mtg
The Newtown Water and Sewer Authority held a special meeting on Thursday, March 4, 2010, at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Commerce Road.  Chairman Richard Zang called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Present:  Eugene Vetrano, Lou Carbone, Richard Zang, Marianne Brown, Alan Shepard, Carl Zencey
Absent:  Richard Conte
Also Present:  Director of Public Works Fred Hurley, Jason O’Brien and Julio Segarra of United Water Environmental Services
Public Participation – NONE
Approval of MinutesThe previously distributed minutes of the regular meeting of 2/11/10 were unanimously approved.
Gallons processed vs gallons billed study – Dick Zang handed out a chart that is through January of flow and a back of the envelope calculation.  Billings for 54% of the plant flow were invoiced through the end of the fiscal year June 09.  2% more was uncollected.  The I&I at FFH isn’t the issue that it once was.  Flow from the central district shows a lot of spikes.  Normal plant flow with no I&I would be 400,000 gallons a day.  About 29% more of that flow is from I&I which leaves 10% from under billing.  As far as the billing goes, they know that there are some properties that are not being billed properly.  Bungalow Terrace community septic needs to be looked at.  There is only one property being billed at this time.  This will be revisited.    
Discussion of progress on service area  mapping  - Alan Shepard is working with Scott Sharlow from GIS.
Capital Needs Report/SCADA System - There was a workshop with the town departments to upgrade the alarm system.  They would be getting rid of the phone lines and use the trunk lines currently in place.  The towers in town make it so that there is 98% coverage.  This project has been submitted to DEP for funding on their priority list.  A Phase I engineering study is needed for the project itself and could make it more favorable in the priority list.  Originally, Fuss and O’Neil had quoted $35,000 for the Phase I study.  At this point the WSA must move forward with the feasibility study without the town.  Next month they should find out if the SCADA system is on the DEP priority list.  Their updated quote for tasks 1 & 2 is $29,700.  Fred suggested asking them to re-write their proposal with only the items that the WSA would like to be included.  Alan Shepard moved to authorize Dick Zang and Fred Hurley to negotiate with Fuss and O’Neil for amended phase I study proposal.  Lou Carbone seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
4 Berkshire Road – The property is not hooked up to the sewer.  Mapping from 2004 shows that the property is in the district.  The original bond resolution did not include the High School.  The amendment to the bond resolution was for the High School and Oakview Road.  Fred suggested checking the certificate of liens.  Fred will continue to research.  
Homesteads/Woods Pump Station – This is a private pump station operated by two users.  They are not maintaining the station.  There was a meeting with various parties to discuss this.  Planning & Zoning will incorporate the WSA comments.  This could be the chance to put in a second pump station.  Jason O’Brien put together 2 prices.  $980/month labor only to take it over as is and $475/month is if the pump station was updated.
Report by Public Works Director - NONE
Report by United Water Environmental Services – February was a challenging month.  Overall the plant ran well.  Julio investigated flow meters and the cost of them.  Since they are over $10,000 they will have to go out to public bid.    Alan Shepard moved to authorize a public bid for the flow meters, equipment and training, Lou Carbone seconded motion unanimously accepted.
Having no further business, meeting adjourned at 8:57 PM